Project Title:
Emergency and Early Recovery Assistance to Persons Internally Displaced by the Boko Haram Insurgency in Adamawa State
Supporting Partners:
Dialogue, Reconciliation and Peace (DREP)
Project Status
Project Brief
In February 2016, the organization with support from DREP Centre implemented a project on Emergency and Early Recovery Assistance to Persons Internally Displaced by the Boko Haram Insurgency in Adamawa State with focus on peacebuilding and psychosocial support. The project was aimed at ensuring that IDPs and their host communities are enabled to coexist while psychosocial counseling is provide do over 500 persons.
Results indicated that the trained peace vanguards have been holding regular peace meetings in their communities with same adequately communicated to SWF Office for documentation. Each Community peace club/committee have held at least two meeting since they were setup and results of their activities and success stories are being compiled.
Also, reports received from participant, as compiled by community volunteers engaged for that purpose, indicates that trained trauma and psychosocial support counselors have been engaging with victims of trauma and those affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in their communities and Internally Displaced Persons Camp.
Finally, an interfaith dialogue, which was initially planned to be a one off activity, had participants agree to sustain the process if given proper guidance and assistance with regards to basic logistics. They set aside every second Wednesday of the month for their meeting. SWF will consult with Caritas Nigeria and JDPC Yola to work out modalities for the continuation of the process.
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