Project Title:
Peace Education For Secondary Schools In Bauchi State
Supporting Partners:
Safer World Foundation
Project Status
Project Background
Learning to live together has become increasingly important in today’s divided world. Peace Education is a preventive action: the prevention of violent conflict. Peace Education is important especially in a country as diverse as Nigeria where hate crimes are on the increase. It can help children manage and address peer to peer misunderstanding, conflicts and build dialogue processes for enhanced understanding of one another. It is important to teach them the values of love, forgiveness, tolerance peace and non-violence at all times.
It incorporates philosophies that include the concepts of nonviolence, love, compassion, and reverence for all life. Peace education helps the next generation to better understand and address problems that can undermine the rule of law and prepare students to serve as the next generation of leaders in creating a more equitable society as peace ambassadors. It is crucial for these groups to have the knowledge, skills and abilities to better address and manage conflicts and advocate for social justice in their communities.
Safer World Foundation identified education as the key; as compassion and empathy for the other can be taught and nurtured.
To this end, safer world foundation embarked on a project to sensitize students in secondary schools on the need for peaceful co –existence. The main objectives of the project included:
- Equipping participants with knowledge and skills required to promote values of peace in their community.
- Building the capacity of participants to become peace ambassadors
- Providing support and mentorship for peace clubs in secondary schools

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