Project Title:

Youth Inclusion In Democratic Conflict Resolution And Civic Education In Adamawa State

Supporting Partners:

Project Status

Completed 100%

Project Background

Safer World foundation’s work in Adamawa State has highlighted that the exclusion of young people from decision-making on peace and security, local governance and development is a key cause of fragility globally. Evidence shows that when young people are marginalized from local and national development gains, they are particularly vulnerable to economic shocks, social instability, and conflicts. Young men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 are habitually excluded from development programmes and activities and are less likely to be involved in governance and decision-making processes. This results in furthering their economic, social, and political marginalization and thereby further limits their capacity to participate. As a result of this marginalization and exclusion, young people are often unaware of their human rights and the rights applicable to them due to their age. Additionally, high unemployment has been identified as a barrier to youth engagement in decision-making, as well as a concern for leaving young people susceptible to political manipulation and recruitment into violent extremist groups.

Thus, Youth Inclusion in Democratic Conflict Resolution and Civic Education in Adamawa State is designed to address the challenges of youth exclusion and. Conflict in Adamawa State by creating opportunities for young people to have more say in decisions that shape their lives, thus reducing grievances, addressing their basic needs, and rebuilding the fractured trust with community leaders, state authorities and security forces. Such trust is the foundation of long-term stability, as it encourages collaboration between different stakeholders in preventing and responding to conflict triggers. The project will address the push (exclusion from decision making, lack of economic opportunities and security force abuse and impunity) and pull (persuasive narratives, social pressure, and economic incentives) factors for conflict and promote peaceful coexistence and dialogue between key stakeholders such as youths, decision makers and security actors. In parallel, it will build the capacities of youth leaders to address conflict and begin forming networks between them. It will be implemented in three selected LGAs across the three senatorial zones of Adamawa State.


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