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Project Title:

Building Capacity of Pulaku Civilian Brigade in Madagali LGA of Adamawa State

Supporting Partners:

North East Regional Initiative (NERI)



In April 2018, Safer World Foundation with support from North East Regional Initiative (NERI) initiated a project that was geared towards building the capacity of Pulaku Civilian Brigade, a local security outfit established to tackle the menace of cattle rustling and other criminal activities in Duhu District of Madagali LGA.

Safer World Foundation with support from NERI (North East Regional Initiative) organized and facilitated a three days training for the civilian guards on Early Warning and Early Response (EW/ER). The training was aimed at educating the civilian brigade on how to identify and quickly respond to a potential threat on their communities. Fifty (50) persons were  trained as primary beneficiaries of the training. Other secondary beneficiaries that attended the training were some community leaders and a few elders. Participants were selected from all the villages in Duhu District.

Results achieved in the project indicates that that the Brigade members no longer  take laws into their hands but have been reporting incidences to their community leaders and security agencies present in their communities. Also, the Pulaku Civilian Brigade now engage more in information gathering as well as holding regular bi-weekly meetings where potential threats are identified and proactive measures taken to avert any form of conflict.
