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Finding Peace

A Safer World Foundation documentary showcasing the amazing journey of healing of trauma survivors impacted by different degrees of conflict and violence that resulted in numerous deaths and loss of livelihoods

Our Vision

We envision having communities where people can lead peaceful lives free from fear and insecurity

Our Mission

We work to create and promote conditions where people actively get involved in minimizing and transforming violent conflicts and building peace by providing alternatives to violence

Our Value

Our integrity as an organization comes from the values and principles that guide our work

Our latest projects


Strengthening Community Response to Conflict between Farmers and Herders in Nigeria’s Middle Belt Region

Farmer and herder communities in Nigeria and West Africa have historically lived in a peaceful, symbiotic relationship that developed through reciprocity and mutual support. For example, herders’ cattle would fertilize farmland in exchange for grazing rights. However, tensions have grown over the past decade with reports of violent clashes becoming more frequent. Although violence is increasingly described in ….



The outbreak of the virus in Nigeria has resulted in health and socio-economic challenges that have also affected mining communities and rendered them more vulnerable. Initial measures put in place to contain the spread of the virus include closing of business activities and restricting of movement and gathering of people, which is typical in mining activities. Mineral production, trade and communities’

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Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) to survivors of violence and capacity strengthening of social workers working for the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development in Maiduguri, Borno State.

The project was implemented in Borno State, with focus on training selected social workers from the MWASD already tasked with the responsibility of providing psychosocial support to survivors and various camps, it also included trauma healing sessions for 500 survivors in the various camps comprising men, women and


(Project Status, Partners and Details)

Blog Post

Ending violence against women and girls is a global movement. Violence against women and girls happens everywhere; in homes, schools, workplaces, and public spaces. It affects nearly every segment of society from all racial, socioeconomic, religious, age, gender and other groups. The statistics are sobering.

It is estimated globally that one in four women and girls will experience violence in their lifetime. 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. Globally, 7% of women have been sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner and as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner.

Violence against women is a pandemic that affects all countries, cultures, economics or social strata. This article explores the meaning of “violence against women”, its root causes, types of violence and how to prevent it. The article also analyses the scope of this epidemic, the effects on women and girls, as well as its long-term impact on their lives. Read on to learn more about preventing violence against women and girls and ending it once and for all.

Ending violence against women and girls once and for all will take an entire global community working together to achieve it. That’s why the United Nations has spearheaded a new initiative called the END Violence Against Women Initiative. The initiative has six action areas that we need to work on collectively in order to end the pandemic of violence against women and girls once and for all.





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Trauma Chat Room is a radio programme designed to inform and create awareness on the impact of trauma as well as the dangers associated with ignoring prolonged trauma.

The Nigerian Government has set aside the 27th of May every year to mark Children’s Day in the country. To mark this day, Safer World Found..

In our society today, violence against women is woven into the fabric of society to such an extent that many who are victimized….

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We Always See HOPE​. Together, we can change the world​

At Safer World Foundation, we work to create and promote conditions where people actively get involved in minimizing and transforming violent conflicts and building peace by providing alternatives to violence. We also ensure that people have access to fair and effective means of addressing grievances and inequalities that drive conflict.

Our projects

Our partners